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Jonah Davis, Child of the Covenant

The idea for this letter was shamelessly stolen from Joey Pipa's letter to his fictional daughter on the eve of her fictional baptism back in the non-fictional year of 1990. You can read his letter elsewhere on the internet. It is titled, "Dearest Ashley, Child of the Covenant"...

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This Week at Providence

Dear Friends, "The depths of our misery can never fall below the depths of mercy." -Richard Sibbes I tend to gain weight when I'm stressed out, and well, this year has been pretty stressful. So, I gained a few pounds this year! Recently I've been trying to lose what I have gained and I thought I would try what was called the "smoothie diet". In this diet you are supposed...

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This Week at Providence

Hey y'all, This morning, some of the youth guys and I went to Waffle House to eat breakfast together. I know many people who like to hate on Waffle House, but I'm a big supporter. Eating there this morning, I was reminded of the time when the chef/food-writer Anthony Bourdain went to a Waffle House for the first time. His friend and fellow chef, Sean Brock was accompanyin...

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