This Week at Providence
Hey y'all,
This morning, some of the youth guys and I went to Waffle House to eat breakfast together. I know many people who like to hate on Waffle House, but I'm a big supporter. Eating there this morning, I was reminded of the time when the chef/food-writer Anthony Bourdain went to a Waffle House for the first time. His friend and fellow chef, Sean Brock was accompanying him on the trip, explaining to him the allure and beauty of Waffle House. After a multiple course meal of a pecan waffle (slathered in syrup and "butter" spread), a patty melt, a salad, a porkchop, a T-bone steak, eggs, toast, and hashbrowns (scattered, smothered, and chunked), Bourdain agreed: there is something beautiful about Waffle House. Here's his description of Waffle House: "It is indeed marvelous. An irony-free zone... where everybody, regardless of race, creed, color, or degree of inebriation is welcomed. Its warm yellow glow, a beacon of hope and salvation, inviting the hungry, the lost, the seriously hammered, all across the south, to come inside. A place of safety and nourishment. It never closes, it is always, always faithful, always there for you." What Bourdain is picking up on is that Waffle House was not just a place to go to get fed breakfast food, but that it is a place that imbibes an atmosphere of acceptance, welcome, and unconditional hospitality.
Being in Waffle House this morning, I was reminded of how paradoxical this place is: where a young man covered in tattoos could sit comfortably at the bar next to a group of elderly men in nice clothing; where a group of college students could be sitting behind a person who just got off of a night shift; a place where there is no judgment and no criticism; a place where people are accepted with their baggage, their story, and their quirks. I believe that if we are all honest, we are all looking for a place that will accept us with our baggage, our story, and our quirks. It might sound strange and silly, but I believe that there is something that the church can learn from a place like Waffle House. Look at the spiritual language Bourdain uses; he uses words like "hope," "salvation," "lost," "faithful." In short, every one of us is looking for somewhere where we will be fully loved and fully accepted. And the good news of Jesus is that He does welcome us just as we are (without one plea!) and He calls us to throw ourselves, our baggage, and even our quirks on Him. And the good news for us is that His throne of mercy never closes, and that He is always, always faithful, and always there for you.
Here is what is going on this week at Providence...
We will be celebrating the Lord's Table this Sunday morning, September 20!
We will be observing protocols making that our celebration is safe for all that want to come.
Sunday School
We would like to resume Sunday School on October 18 for a 6 week fall semester for our kids.
In order for this to happen, we need 7 Children’s Sunday School Teachers to help with four of our classes. If you are interested, there will be a Teacher Training on Sunday, October 11 at 9:15. All teachers will be required to do a background check before working with the kids.
To sign up text “Teacher” to 601-203-4606
Drive-thru Baby Shower: October 3rd
Ladies of Providence are invited to attend a drive-thru baby shower for Kelsey Govero on Saturday, October 3rd from 10-11:30am in the Providence Courtyard.
Kelsey is registered at:
Please join us in helping Luke and Kelsey welcome baby Wyatt Govero (due November 5th).
Discover Providence
If you are new to Providence and would like to take the next step into the life of our church, Discover Providence is your first step. This is a four week small group experience. We begin on Sunday, September 13 at 4:30pm on the patio outside of the foyer.
To register, text “Discover20” to 601-203-4606 or contact Ian (
Financial Update though 7-31-20
Ministry expenses -- $112,497
Building debt payment -- $98,130
Total Expenses -- $210,647
General fund giving -- $224,421
Surplus -- $13,804
I hope you all are staying well and I look forward to seeing you soon.
More in Blog
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Jonah Davis, Child of the CovenantSeptember 26, 2020
This Week at ProvidenceSeptember 23, 2020
This Week at Providence