The Bible, The Gospel, and LGBT

‎The Bible, the gospel, and LGBT.‎1 image

August 30, 2023

6:00pm – 7:45pm

Location: 1580 Clinton-Raymond Road, Clinton, Mississippi 39056

Category: Community | Coordinator: Bryce Davis

On Wednesday evening 8/30 at 6:00pm Providence will be hosting a seminar to talk through some of the major headwinds facing the church and culture concerning human sexuality. Our hope is to have a constructive and informative time as we consider His Word, His grace, and our present context. We will have a nursery available for those who need nursery care. There will be a book/resource table at the event. You can contact Bryce ( for questions. If you plan to attend, please text “Seminar23” to (601) 203-4606.